Experience is the Best Defense
Wally Tetlow
I have been a criminal defense lawyer in Alaska for the last 30 years. I represent clients facing charges ranging from murder to DUI. I understand that your case is of the utmost importance to you and your loved ones, and will work tirelessly to obtain the best possible outcome for you.
I have tried cases all over the state, from Fairbanks to Sand Point. I have argued before the Alaska Court of Appeals and the Alaska Supreme Court and am licensed to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States of America. I am honored to have been named a “Top Criminal Defense Attorney” by Super Lawyers, and also of my 5-star client rating on Avvo.com.
I know that being charged with a crime is a trying time. I know the feelings of indignity and helplessness that arise during such times. You are not helpless. I believe it is my duty to stand up for my clients’ rights and to treat every client with dignity and respect.
James Christie
I take great pride in my work representing individuals accused of criminal wrongdoing. Standing up on behalf of Alaskans against the government and prosecuting authorities is why I became a lawyer and the single most rewarding aspect of my career. I became a lawyer to do the work I’ve done for the past 20 years—criminal defense—and I do my best for each and every client I represent. I have tried cases throughout Alaska and secured not guilty verdicts in everything from a simple misdemeanor through first degree murder.
I was born and raised in Alaska and am familiar with the unique challenges and opportunities of our great state. I am frequently called upon to train new lawyers, provide continuing legal education instruction to fellow defense lawyers, and am the recipient of local and national awards for my work as a criminal defense lawyer.
“James is a beast in the court room that stands up for your rights . . . When James walks into the courtroom it’s gloves Off!”
—Anonymous, October 2021
“The judge and D.A. both noted on the record in open court that Wally is widely known and respected throughout Alaska as one of the State’s best lawyers.”
— Bill, June 2020